Do you feel different or your child is different? Wondering if you or your child are ‘normal’?

Find it challenging to get clear what ‘normal’ is?

Contemplating a diagnosis?

Learn about Neurodiversity

PowerWood’s ‘Exploring Neurodiversity’ E-Book written by Simone de Hoogh with help of many volunteers gives information and insights in:

  • PowerWood’s controversial stance on Neurodiversity
  • What the value is of Neurodiversity, why is it crucial in contemplating seeking a diagnosis
  • What the positive sides are of being Neurodiverse
  • Contemplating a diagnosis and what are the advantages and disadvantages
  • Whatever our path, most important is staying true to ourselves

This eBook might be life-changing: seeing neurodiversity as a positive force for change in society. We believe neurodiversity is the result of normal, natural variation in humans. We celebrate this different way of looking at conditions or innate abilities, which have been traditionally pathologised. This point of view is increasingly supported by science, and is challenging widespread social norms and stigmas. Our focus is on compassionately and creatively supporting children and (young) individuals adapting any behaviour that keeps them from following their dreams and achieving their personal aims.

FREE: Download PowerWoods ‘Exploring Neurodiversity’ eBook 

Further information

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