Thank you for donating to support PowerWood’s work with neurodiverse families. We appreciate you generosity so much!
You are a PowerWood Rock and part of PowerWood’s foundation. Your donation allows PowerWood to continue to offer sustainable support to individuals and families from all walks of life. Thank YOU.
- To stay informed subscribe to the PowerWood GoodNewsletter (click on the link to subscribe) mailing list for our top tips, new blogs and inspiring stories, and read our latest news.
- Be welcome to download and share the ‘Exploring Overexcitability’ eBook and our ‘Exploring Neurodiversity’ e-Book.
- You are very welcome to join the PowerWood’s Closed FaceBook group and meet and chat with families who face the same kind of challenges.
- And if you feel challenged you’re welcome to request a Free Introductory Talk with Simone de Hoogh PowerWood’s Senior Consultant to discuss your worries in more detail and if PowerWood can be of service for 60 minutes by Zoom or FaceTime.
Your donations are used for PowerWood’s Community work and supporting families living with neurodiversity from all walks of life. Thank YOU!
Again a HUGE thank to YOU for being one of those lovely people:)!
The PowerWood Team