Summer 2024 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

March 2024 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

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A HUGE thank YOU 🧡 for being part of our important journey in so many different ways ! You inform us, support us, are with us, and allow PowerWood to support all neurodiverse families and individuals. We are looking forward to continue to work together in 2024 to support all families with neurodivergent children. Thank YOU! “#gratitude

Festive Days 2023 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

Sunny Summer 2023 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

Happy Easter 2023 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter


Festive Days 2022 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

27 Nov 2022 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

16 Oct 2022 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

17 July 2022 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

19 June 2022 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

13 April 2022 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

13 March 2022 Powerwood’s GoodNewsletter

13 February 2022 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter


12 December 2021 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

3 October 2021 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

1 August 2021 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

27 June 2021 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

16 May 2021 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

4 April 2021 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

28 February 2021 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

24 January 2021 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

Happy New Year 2021

With love from the PowerWood team


6 December 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

Interview Simone de Hoogh in Variations2e

8 November 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

4 October 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

6 September 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

2 August 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

19 July 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

Imaginational OE, strength or weakness? Grief is not a competition, dealing with Covid-19. Creative ideas for absolute beginners😍! A practical tool to move from the negative towards a more happy place. Grief helped deal with Covid-19 & Kickstart creativity with kits and tutorials. Read the Newsletter

05 July 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

Kids Cookery by Simone’s daughter, Blog by CBT therapist Delwyn Kay, and NEW adventures of Bluey the cat ! Gluten-free and dairy-free cookery, learn what CBT is about. Rohan (12) and Dalia (9) sharing what Bluey is NOT acknowledging 😜! Read the Newsletter

June 6 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

Introduction PowerWood’s Kids Corner etc.

May 17 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter


March 22 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

March 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

February 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

Happy New Year 2020 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter


Happy Festive Days December 2019 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

December 2019 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

November 2019 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

October 2019 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

September 2019 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

July 2019 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter 

Video Talk 12 minutes: “Supporting our children through transitions” (audio also available), “Crushing Feelings led to very rewarding Eternal Quest of Self-Discovery” Simone’s blog,  “Having someone I can say anything to and who won’t judge me”, etc.

February 2019 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter

“How to stop 💔hurting when our child is in pain…”  🎉PowerWood shortlisted for Award!🎊 “Overwhelmed by guilt and shame while parenting? Congrats!💝” 


Celebrating our 5th Anniversary Year!

December 2018 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter

  Proud to Present

Thanks to the expertise, time and energy freely shared by so many PowerWood Active Contributors we present to you our new PowerWood website:)!
Thank YOU, Merlin, Bianca, Abigail, Tine, Kate, Phil and all the other people who helped and inspired us during the last year to make this happen.


October 2018 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter PowerWood workshops at Potential Plus -Big Family Weekend: Workshops by Simone de Hoogh for Parents, Forest School sessions – Knife Skills and Crafts –  Join us on Pinterest – Problems encountered – ‘Have been able to put things into perspective, yet again. Feel very relieved :).’

Exam Stress: Listen to an interview with Simone de Hoogh around topics associated with exam stress at Soundart Radio during one programme developed in cooperation with Healthwatch in spring 2018.

March 2018 PowerWoods GoodNewsletter Five Years Community Celebration – ‘Am I a rubbish mum? The unexpected value of self-criticism’ – Living with PDA? “The violence towards me from my child was constant” single mum of a child with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA).


December 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter Festive greetings from PowerWood ♡

November 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter New Children’s film from the Camp ~ PowerWood’s message of gratitude to the supporting community

October 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter PowerWood at the Big Family weekend ~ Win a PowerWood rosette ~ Book your Free Introductory Talk now

September 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter Last Power of the Woods weekend greatly appreciated, interview with single mum ‘The violence towards me from my child was constant’ and Simone visiting Big Family Weekend

Summer 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter  Big THANK YOU to the lovely volunteers and participants that made PowerWood Camp a truly life enhancing experience ~ Last chance to book Power of the Woods weekend in September

August 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: Have a lovely summer  ~ Don’t miss out on Power of the Woods weekend in September

July 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: “The biggest challenge is not being understood and being forced to fit in” Interview with mum of three ~ New Power of the Woods weekend in September

June 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: “The best camp ever” Second Power of the Woods weekend, 4-7-8 breathing exercise and PowerWood Camp coming up!

May 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: Picture impression first Power of the Woods weekend – Looking for an Apprentice – A father’s perspective on PowerWood – PowerWood in Juno Magazine

April 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: Last chance to book Power of the Woods, London visit rewarding, PowerWood Happy Families, How to make your own PowerBeader

March 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: Aurora Remember interviews Simone ~ Join Power of the Woods ~ Learn about risky play

February 2017 Aurora Remember’s podcast: A Safe Space to Embrace Your Inner Fire with Simone de Hoogh

February 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: Last chance for EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT – David talks about PowerWood – Looking for Lego

January 2017 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: A New Year a Fresh Start Does this fit your New Year resolution? Romy (8) about PowerWood


December 2016 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: Hope and Light for the Festive Days: Grant for Power of the Woods Project, Interview with Ella (12), join PowerWood Camp with early bird discount:)!

October 2016 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: Connect, share and be empowered in Amersham and East Sussex with other mums sharing the same challenges

September 2016 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter: Connect, share and empower in Amersham and East Sussex, “My son had been diagnosed with many things before” how a family found clarity etc.

August 2016 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter: Happy summer, Jorman news, parent story “Everything seems to affect him so deeply and intensely”, introduction to new staff member Sarah and more…

July 2016 PowerWood’s GoodNewsLetter: A parent’s story – The challenges of raising children who have been in care, Start fresh new school year in October: Amersham Connect over Lunch and East Sussex Workshop weekend – connecting positively and confidently guiding your OE child and teenager, Job opportunity -Personal and Communication Assistant

June 2016 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter A parents story – “She is a mirror of me”, Authentic Communication Training – last chance to book! Volunteer weekend in glorious sunshine, and more…

June 2016 Podcast: Wavelength 5.2 : Simone De Hoogh from Powerwood CIC on Authentic Communication Training.

May 2016 PowerWood’s GoodNewsletter Intriguing interview, Extra Authentic Communication Training, Summer Camp and how your donations contributed to PowerWood:)!

PowerWood Newsletter April 2016 Top 3 Tips to up your energy and resilience level | PowerWood’s Authentic Communication Training starts soon | PowerWood Gathering for Volunteers | Interview: “PowerWood helped me appreciate our strong emotions, instead of being afraid of them”

PowerWood Newsletter March 2016 Spring is in the air….  Dare to indulge yourself: Give yourself an inspiring heart-warming day for YOU only, book the London Workshop: Enjoy feeling connected, understood and strengthened. Be part of our Community:)!

PowerWood Newsletter February 2016 Interview: “Our son’s constant questioning leaves us feeling exhausted”, A new day: London Workshop Weekend, Join us and grow your confidence! Volunteer with PowerWood:)!


Juno Magazine Article ‘Individuality’ by Lucinda Leo PowerWood Volunteer Winter Issue 2015

PowerWood Newsletter December 2015 Interview: “My 4 year old was so overwhelmed by her emotions she wanted to end her life”, Simone interviews Karen the ‘Birds of Prey Lady’, PowerWood Camp Podcast, Dates PowerWood Camp 2016, JUNO article

PowerWood Newsletter November 2015 “I had no idea how to help my daughter, and I felt a complete failure as a parent”

PowerWood Newsletter October 2015 Last chance to book East Sussex workshops and a HUGE Thank YOU to the enthusiastic and skilled volunteers of PowerWood Camp:)!

Powerwood Newsletter September 2015 PowerWood Camp in Pictures, Workshop Weekend ‘OE’ (Intensity, hyper-sensitivity and super-reactivity) East Sussex 17-18 October: Connecting Positively and/or Guiding Confidently your OE Child or Teenager

Listen to this PowerWood Podcast that the children, tweens and teens made during PowerWood Camp 2015 by interviewing each other and thank you Lucinda Guy of  SoundArt Radio for offering this inspiring workshop at PowerWood Camp, the children loved making it, and we loved the results! It will give you an insight in what is going on during the camp and how children and their parents experience the camp:)!

PowerWood Newsletter August 2015 Last chance to book PowerWood Camp: Weather forecast Devon: SUNNY

PowerWood’s Community

Find understanding, tools and strategies that work in an understanding, respectful and compassionate Community.
PowerWood can be your and your family’s advocate, and your second family. 

Explore how joining our PowerWood community by becoming a member will benefit you and your family and what types of memberships are available.

Join our Community

Available to Members*

*Booking a one-off Free Introductory Talk of 45-60 minutes by Skype or FaceTime with Senior Consultant Simone de Hoogh is one of the benefits of being either a FreeBee PowerWood Community Member or a Friend PowerWood Community Member.

Book a FREE Introductory Talk with a Professional*

 You can read more about PowerWood’s Consultancy Sessions,  the Benefits of a Free Introductory Talk and PowerWood’s Consultancy Services Tiered Fee Structure.

*Overexcitability Test

OE (Overexcitability) is an element of a Developmental Theory –Theory of Positive Disintegration by Dabrowski- that is one of the underpinning theories of MERT (Multi-level Emotion Regulation Theory) developed by Simone de Hoogh. Overexcitability explains and allows us to look at ‘extreme’ behaviour as a valuable asset in our or our children’s life. 

Find out if you or your child has OE (OverExcitability) as well

*Boundary Test

A HUGE thank YOU to the son and daughter of Ernest Hartmann who gave PowerWood permission to use and put the full academically approved questionnaire about the Boundary in the Mind on PowerWood’s website.

Find out how the Boundary in the Mind affects you or your child