Whisper game (Tool)- Dedicated to all parents of loud neurodivergent children

This post includes the ‘biggest gift’ we can give our children and the ‘whisper game’, a tool to help noisy […]

‘You are not invited!’ & ‘You’re a cheater!’ (Alternative Scenarios Game)

All posts by Simone de Hoogh This post includes ‘Alternative Scenarios Game’, a tool to increase the ability of a […]

Preparing our Child to transition to the School Holidays – Tips, Tools & Strategies

  It is quite a common issue for our children and also for us to struggle with transitions. As one […]

Preparing for Christmas

Each year when our daughter was young, the carefully crafted balance in our family always started to go pear-shaped around […]

The art of giving heartfelt compliments to ourselves, our children and teens

This post includes a ‘heartfelt compliment script’, a tool to compliment ourselves and our child effectively and is part of […]

The Proposed Schools Bill – Punishing parents for the inability of schools to facilitate a suitable education for all children

By Joanna Merrett BA (hons), EYPS, MA, [PhD student and researcher at University of Exeter, Centre for Social Mobility], Joanna […]

What to say about Ukraine to our children – Six Steps to support our child or teen (and ourselves) in those challenging times

Many of our children will experience anxiety and fear around the situation in Ukraine, which is often exacerbated by the […]

Loving our Children & LOVE

Most of us become parents with the idea that we will parent perfectly (the Disney family dream), or at least […]

Home is where the heart is

– and where family members’ needs determine the use of space Pretty spaces versus OE accommodated living  This evening I’ve […]