Whisper game (Tool)- Dedicated to all parents of loud neurodivergent children

This post includes the ‘biggest gift’ we can give our children and the ‘whisper game’, a tool to help noisy […]

What if we’re exhausted?

Dedicated to Ellie To be fair, it wouldn’t surprise me if you are! Parenting a neurodivergent child is not easy […]

I take with me … my ‘cool suitcase’ – How to support our child through common transitions

This post includes ‘the cool suitcase or cool box’, a tool to increase the emotional resilience of our child in […]

The Proposed Schools Bill – Punishing parents for the inability of schools to facilitate a suitable education for all children

By Joanna Merrett BA (hons), EYPS, MA, [PhD student and researcher at University of Exeter, Centre for Social Mobility], Joanna […]