Dealing with acute overwhelm, including tips how to get through

Recovering from obstacles  The last few years my life has been coloured by different obstacles, some  private ones and some […]

I take with me … my ‘cool suitcase’ – How to support our child through common transitions

This post includes ‘the cool suitcase or cool box’, a tool to increase the emotional resilience of our child in […]

The art of giving heartfelt compliments to ourselves, our children and teens

This post includes a ‘heartfelt compliment script’, a tool to compliment ourselves and our child effectively and is part of […]

The Proposed Schools Bill – Punishing parents for the inability of schools to facilitate a suitable education for all children

By Joanna Merrett BA (hons), EYPS, MA, [PhD student and researcher at University of Exeter, Centre for Social Mobility], Joanna […]

Befriending my PowerBook

The Power of Heartfelt Compliments One of the tools in the PowerWood tool box is the PowerBook. The aim of […]

What to say about Ukraine to our children – Six Steps to support our child or teen (and ourselves) in those challenging times

Many of our children will experience anxiety and fear around the situation in Ukraine, which is often exacerbated by the […]

The Inner Rainbow of Hope – Last stretch from illness to rehabilitation

March 2020 I caught Covid-19 which turned into long-covid. “The NICE guidelines defines post-Covid syndrome as signs and symptoms that […]

Loving our Children & LOVE

Most of us become parents with the idea that we will parent perfectly (the Disney family dream), or at least […]

Home is where the heart is

– and where family members’ needs determine the use of space Pretty spaces versus OE accommodated living  This evening I’ve […]

Be clear, but only if you can

Every time our child asks us for something, we have to make the decision to say yes or no.  If […]